MysteryByte Computers

What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.
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Author:  maverick_brent [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Hey all,

Just sitting here having a beer, relaxing, hoping all is well with u....

Just thinking about the old days and how thigns hagve oh so much changed...

lets hear what you remember from the MB Forums!

here is a few of my remembrance...

FIRSTS: Online Purchase NEW
Online Purchase Used (hughes mackay for the win, little did he know i skipped the Thursday night military reserve training to install this!)
Both were great experiences, don't know why it took me so long to get back in it, think i might be addicted to used online purchase at this stage..

Also first true LAN party, sure me and the guys went to the local c@p site late at night (one of them had the keys)....but really first true LAN, i got a trophy which i probably didn't deserve...Canadian_Bacon did much better than me, but i was young and took it...

Mysterybyte CS:S i think i started the organization of the team in some way, i know i had everyone's emails and was working out practices for the servers and what not, that kinda went dead in the water, (hope not but COULD have been my fault)

But overall i remember as a young teen, this place showing me the ropes, absolute great guys, that were super friendly, (i remember picking up my first mb purchase (big deal since i was from pugwash , which is northern n.s. a bunch of guys razzing me, which happened to be gord and another fella.) but realizing the friendship and fun we all had, MB seems to have lost that a bit, and I hope we can get this back someday!..overall though, IO want to say thanks to Rob and the gang for the great forum, and I'd be glad to help try and rejuvenate the place if the they asked!

Anyways post your own expirences, most of ius are long time Mysterybyters, long before the phpbb was here!

Author:  Phonix [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

I was one of the poor bastards who never got a chance to participate in some of the LAN parties and other events.

Another funny thing, I have NEVER been inside the MB store. Sure I've ordered lots of stuff and had friends and family in the city drop by and pick it up sometimes, but never once have I set foot in the store and met the staff. Greg's gone now but I always wanted to meet the guy since he was always a big help and sold me stuff for dirt cheap lol.

I found this site by searching for other Nova Scotian gamers. I remember it took me almost 2 months to get my registration approved, not sure if it still works that way.

I've been a regular member in so many forums about all sorts of topics, but MB is the only one I've stuck with for more than 3 years and still post regularly.

I posted my entire game collection here in hopes that some of you guys might be interested in getting together and playing a common game some night. I know we all have busy lives but I think it'd be cool for us all to get our frag on sometime.

Overall though, MB is my home on the web. I check the forum multiple times every day and still get disappointed when there's no new threads to rant in.

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

I remember the motherboard I installed on Monday, and there was some other junk before that...

Author:  Phonix [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Looks like them big cochiba cubans have caused some memory loss there big rig! lmao

Author:  maverick_brent [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Phonix wrote:
Looks like them big cochiba cubans have caused some memory loss there big rig! lmao

steveo is an like me in a way i guess...:S:S:...their humor wouldnt be appreciated on other forums that i know of..maybe im wrong..but ya phonix, we do need to get a frag on....geeze, in the day mb had css servers and everything, kinda fallen off, guess i was getting musshy in the op, hopefully some other oldies will contribute, i know dr.ben.dover is another one that has collected some dust here....

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Bunch of noobs. :P

This has got to be the third or fourth version of the forums since I first signed up. I think my first post was in a post your rig thread, and it was a P4 2.8GHz system, quite contrary to the Athlon XP fans of the day. Some of the old gang was quite entertaining, but I'll be damned it I can even remember some of their user names. I seem to recall Flama22 posting some totally bogus Clawhammer OC's on April 1st one year.

Do the old YABB versions still exist? I used to have a link to them but lost it with multiple HD loses.

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

You've always seemed to be on the side of contrary!

Author:  Monkeydee [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

oh jeez, where do i start?

i started here back in 2003ish i think. learned a significant amount of what i know now from the guys here, either directly or indirectly through being pointed to research.

was a bit of a spammer too, #1 post count by the time the old boards were switched over.

Went to several LAN parties, even got a trophy once :D

Watched Hugues go from forum member to staff member and all the coffee jokes that went along with it. Then I did the same thing myself back in 2006 and again last year. Some of you guys (Steve-o, Halinewf, Gord, sbeeze, Tony and many more i'm sure) i've served in-store.

One thing that's missing from these boards compared to the old boards, drama. There's pretty much no drama llamas here and it makes it almost no fun to post here :P

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

CMDR Steve-O wrote:
You've always seemed to be on the side of contrary!

It's good to be different. :mrgreen:

Author:  Tony [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

I remember Nine Pound & them, back in the day they were the gurus here for sure.

Hope they are doing well.

Author:  Flama22 [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Sorry I'm late. I was in the Bahamas all last week. ;)

Dr_BenD_over wrote:
I seem to recall Flama22 posting some totally bogus Clawhammer OC's on April 1st one year.

Hahaha I totally forgot about that! It was when everyone was posting CPU-Z screenshots to show their OC's and I think you and I were like the first two people on here with AMD 64 chips so I figured it was new enough that most people wouldn't really have enough experience with them and might believe it until they realized the date so I photoshop'ed it up and posted it. I think I still have the image back at home too so I should look for that tonight.

Monkeydee wrote:
One thing that's missing from these boards compared to the old boards, drama.

True that. The Evil Kenival and Ninepound fallout for one. And remember Roach? I forget the whole story with him but wasn't it like he was pretty "abrasive", to say the least, but he was also Chucky (Rob's wife's) nephew or something??? And he lived in Hawaii so he didn't really have to worry about people living near him being mad at him.

I also forgot about Canadian Bacon until he was mentioned earlier. I remember at the first MB Lan Party I beat him for the "Most Vehicular Manslaughter's" Trophy and he did not approve. ;) But here's the real question maverick (or others who remember him), do you remember his Forum name *before* he changed it to that? ;) I sorta remember the gist of it but I could be wrong. Anyway, I'll leave that question for now and I'll post my fake OC screenshot later if I still have it.

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

I try starting sh!t all the time. Everyone here is too damn PC.

Author:  Flama22 [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

CMDR Steve-O wrote:
I try starting sh!t all the time. Everyone here is too damn PC.


Author:  Flama22 [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Here's that April Fools joke btw:


Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do YOU remember from the Mb Forums.

Hahahahahahaha....I don't get it, guess I had to be there. Browsing the Blizzaro forums no less listening to something between Nickelback and Offspring :P

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