Sorry I'm late. I was in the Bahamas all last week.

Dr_BenD_over wrote:
I seem to recall Flama22 posting some totally bogus Clawhammer OC's on April 1st one year.
Hahaha I totally forgot about that! It was when everyone was posting CPU-Z screenshots to show their OC's and I think you and I were like the first two people on here with AMD 64 chips so I figured it was new enough that most people wouldn't really have enough experience with them and might believe it until they realized the date so I photoshop'ed it up and posted it. I think I still have the image back at home too so I should look for that tonight.
Monkeydee wrote:
One thing that's missing from these boards compared to the old boards, drama.
True that. The Evil Kenival and Ninepound fallout for one. And remember Roach? I forget the whole story with him but wasn't it like he was pretty "abrasive", to say the least, but he was also Chucky (Rob's wife's) nephew or something??? And he lived in Hawaii so he didn't really have to worry about people living near him being mad at him.
I also forgot about Canadian Bacon until he was mentioned earlier. I remember at the first MB Lan Party I beat him for the "Most Vehicular Manslaughter's" Trophy and he did not approve.

But here's the real question maverick (or others who remember him), do you remember his Forum name *before* he changed it to that?

I sorta remember the gist of it but I could be wrong. Anyway, I'll leave that question for now and I'll post my fake OC screenshot later if I still have it.