It's bad but I'm hoping this is the year in which a game comes out that I finally can't play well enough that I can justify a new system for. There are games out now that would be unplayable on what I have but since I'm not really into FPS's it hasn't really affected me. I'm finishing up Darksiders and then I have Kingdoms of Amalaur (spelling?), so both those are fine, but Watchdogs is looking pretty good so that might be the game.
I'm encoding more HD videos lately, taken from my GoPro Hero3+, so it would be nice to get a speed boost for that but it's not needed
really. My system might take 2 hours to encode something that a newer chip would take 20 minutes for, but at the end of the day the final result is the same so it's harder to justify it.
I was hoping the new AMD Kaveri chips would be a bit more impressive when paired up with a GPU, because of the HSA addition, but that still seems to be a bit of a pipe dream realizing those improvements. I was thinking an R9 270X would be my next video card but they seem to be high in price due to the extra demand by Bitcoin miners so if I was looking now I would probably lean towards the lower power, decently priced, GeForce 750 Ti's.
Anyway, sorry for the thread hijack but I figured this forum could use some additional discussion.

That's a lot of hard drive space you have there now as well Monkey.