MysteryByte Computers |
Internet "Dropping" |
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Author: | French_Toast [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | Internet "Dropping" |
Alright the problem im having is this. At completly random intervals my internet just cuts out, and i have to go into my network connections, disable and re-enable the connection in order for it to work. It happens when im downloading.. and when im not, but moreso when downloading.. downloading anything torrents or right from a server. My computer is on a network of three,(mine, my brothers and dads laptop) none of the other computers have this problem, so im kinda thinking its not the router but maybe my onboard networking in my motherboard itself. Ill take any and all ideas, just like to get it solved. Thanks. Also my internet is eastlink high speed 10. |
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