MysteryByte Computers

Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(
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Author:  Flama22 [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(

My uncle bought the parts needed for 3 almost identical systems and is leaving today for Ontario. The parts didn't arrive until yesterday afternoon and the systems needed to be put together before leaving with my cousin so I got a call after supper time asking if I would come down and help put them together.

From what I remember of the parts:
  • Cosair Obsidian 800D
  • Corsair 1000W PSU
  • Intel i7 930
  • Gigabyte Motherboard... not sure of the model but it had tri-SLi, USB 3.0, and hot-swappable SATA.
  • 12GB's OCZ Platnium DDR3
  • Noctua HSF - again, I don't remember the model number but it's the biggest one they make and was close to the size of my head.
  • EVGA GeForce 460 1Gb
  • (2) 64Gb OCZ Vertex's in Raid 0
  • (4) 2Tb Western Digital Black drives in the hotswap bays... not sure what Raid he'll be using them in yet though.

Anyways, it was getting fairly late by the time we were done so I waited around just long enough that he could boot up the one I built and get into the BIOS and check out the CPU temperatures, and after about 10 minutes it never idled above 31*C and the room we were in was at least 24-25*C ambient. I left after that so I never got to see the systems do anything fun but it was nice working with such expensive gear for a change. It was my first time working with a $300 (without PSU) case. ;)

Author:  Denty [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(

damn, 3 of those systems? he just rob a bank on the way to the store. lol kidding, but those are some pretty kick ass systems

Author:  Flama22 [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(

Well they're all semi-work related and he doesn't skimp when it comes to that.

One is for his office computer, one for at home, that he can use when working from home and also if for whatever reason the office computer breaks he has a backup, and the last one for his son, who does do work for him sometimes. That's the main reason he went with the nVidia card in fact and that's because Photoshop makes use of the Cuda API's for certain things.

I should also mention that both him and his son are coming from using Apple computers. My cousin had an iMac before that, and my uncle was using PowerMacs at the office but this time around when he was pricing things out he realized he could get a system almost twice as fast for 2/3 of the cost. :?

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(

Too bad they don't make a matte white 800D, coming from the land of jobs a gigantic black box probably scares them like in 2001.

Author:  Flama22 [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(

They've had PC's a lot in the past so the big black boxes didn't scare them off. ;) The only problem was we were building them in a room with little light and having a black box, with black motherboard stand-off's and black cables made it really hard to see what you were doing. :?

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Built a new system last night - I wish it was mine :(

Spent all the money on PC' a lamp hah!

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