MysteryByte Computers

Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!!!
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Author:  Topsecret66 [ Fri May 06, 2011 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!!!

I found this hilarious last night as I read it. All parts must be rotated at 85% or something. But please. Where do you find a wear and tear percentage calculator :lol:

Just incase anyone wants to ask if he had his 1000,000km service.

"Here is an extra Gaming Rig that I no longer need it...
I upgraded my desktop with new parts. The rest of old parts are off service for me. It is still blasting!

I found that most people don't want to go with only used parts... then I bought a new tower case, power supply and DVD-Burner with them. Thus,it is full-featured.

For the price part, I don't really have anytime to play low-ball-game. Then basicly, I have given the lowest price here that I can accept at least. No bargain is friendly.

Tech Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7 920 2.66Ghz (80% new)
MOB: MSI X58-Pro (80% new)
RAM: 3GB DDR3 1600 (3x1GB) (80% new)
HDD: WD Black 640GB SATA3Gbps (80% new)
VDC: ASUS Geforce 9800GTX+ GDDR3 512MB (80% new)
TWC: Antec Three Hundred (99.9% new)
PWS: Antec Power Supply 430W (99.9% new)
DVD: ASUS DVD-BURNER 24X (99.9% new)

The other items...

* Logitech G500 Gaming Mouse (80% new)
* Logitech HD WebCam (90% new)
* Apple Wired keyboard (90% new)
* 5.1 Channels USB Gaming Headphone (80% new)
* Windows 7 32bit & 64bit Installation Discs
(With Hardware Drivers)

All Stuffs 100% Fully works... no any issue or problem...


This deal will no longer appear after May 25th...
Please contact me ASAP...
Email: "

Author:  Monkeydee [ Fri May 06, 2011 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

some people...

also, that power supply must be screaming for mercy.

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Fri May 06, 2011 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!


Author:  Topsecret66 [ Fri May 06, 2011 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!


He may know his stuff... IF he's hardcore as this!

Author:  Lost [ Fri May 06, 2011 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Monkeydee wrote:
also, that power supply must be screaming for mercy.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  rDsVs [ Fri May 06, 2011 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Wonder if i should call my setup a "gaming rig" just to get some bites :roll:

Author:  Topsecret66 [ Fri May 06, 2011 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

I would say list it as a F1 Racing Gaming Rig with Nitrous Oxide and Supercharger.

And that it's 99.8733434% new

Author:  Flama22 [ Mon May 16, 2011 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%! ... Z282924464

Choice quote: "Business Class systems have motherboards that are made at a higher standard and therefore don't freeze as much"

Author:  Matt [ Mon May 16, 2011 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Flama22 wrote:

Choice quote: "Business Class systems have motherboards that are made at a higher standard and therefore don't freeze as much"


That is awesome

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Mon May 16, 2011 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Actually those SFF Compaq EVO's are pretty slick boxes. I found one "on the street" in 2000 and it's been serving the parents fine since.

Author:  Topsecret66 [ Mon May 16, 2011 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Matt wrote:
Flama22 wrote:

Choice quote: "Business Class systems have motherboards that are made at a higher standard and therefore don't freeze as much"


That is awesome

Anyone dumb enough to believe that can buy from PC700. What a bunk of wankers...

Author:  Flama22 [ Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Thought I should add these and maybe this thread should be renamed "Worst of Kijiji" or something along those lines.

I'm assuming these are both created by the same person and it's obvious they don't know what they are talking about but I just really hope on top of that they speak English as a second language because if not our educational system has really let this person down: ... Z267018964 ... Z267017111

I should also mention the first webcam looks like a sewing machine.

Also, I'm not in the market for a webcam, I just clicked on the Computer Accessories section and saw these. Even though they are the worst there's still tons of people selling things on there for a ridiculous price. Kijiji angers me a lot of the time.

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't forget to rotate the tires on your computer @ 75%!

Cut and Paste from the manufacturers website so it's chinglish anyway.

Someone on the NG one was looking for DVD bokked sets.

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