So, ill start off by saying my new system is about 2 mounths old. I am happy with it. But, i think i can squezze more out of it. I have a 3dmark 06 score of 13,500 stock. And with some oc on the cpu & gpu i can get a 14,200. My system is as follows:
Intel E6750 - 2.66 Ghz(oc'ed to 3.07 Ghz) 1333Mhz FSb
Asus P5N-E SLI Mother Board
2 GB of Kinston 667 MHZ Memory
(1)Evga 8800 GTS Superclocked 320MB(576Core,850 Mem)
(1) BFG 8800 GTS OC2 320MB(580 Core, 850 Mem) SLIED
Seasonic 650 watt PS ( SLI Ready )
2x 250 gb hard drives ( Western Digital )
LG raid daul layer dvd burner
The rest i guess is not too important. All the games i play run great. Except for Crysis. But even that game runs ok. About mid 30ish fps with all settings on high. Fear ( persus mandate, time shift and cod4 ) all play great. Well into the mid 200 fps. Of course i hit the odd spot were i dip down from well over 150 fps to the low 30 or 40 fps. But that only seems to be once in a blue moon under really high demand with ALOT going on. All games are played with ALL settings on maximum and the res at 1280x1024 ( max my 19" lcd allows at 60 hz ).
Im just kinda looking for some input on my system and wondering what yall think of it ? Do i have a decent gaming machine here ? I know the two video cards are not the exact same vender. But even nvidia's main web site says its not a problem. They are the same specs and on both the cores and the mem. They do work great together. I think ??
Any input would be great on what you all think ? I do notice a near 45% increase in fps with SLI enabled.
Thank in advance for your input guys !