MysteryByte Computers

CPU Batch Number Question
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Author:  drumsonly2002 [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  CPU Batch Number Question

Decided to build a i7 920 machine, OC to 4.0. Need a good CPU, and was told get one from a good batch. So, ask MBytes what batch the i7 920 is,as I have a batch list of 920's that OC to 4.0? What say you? Thank You for any advice.

Author:  skiman [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CPU Batch Number Question

For the i920, you want to look for the sSpec Number SLBEJ. This is D0 stepping which pretty much makes it 4.0Ghz capable on air. ... Spec=SLBEJ

There are many guides to decode the intel numbers, but look for a specific week of manufacturing. When the i7 965+ or Xeon quota is filled, they at times slip some of these quality cores for lesser frequency processors which are in greater demand due to price.

Spending a few dollars more can get you the i930, slighter higher validation and for even a few more above that, you can get the Xeon X5520.

If you're going for the monster OC with an air, or even watercooling solution, I'd spend the money for a Xeon.

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