MysteryByte Computers |
CPU Batch Number Question |
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Author: | drumsonly2002 [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | CPU Batch Number Question |
Decided to build a i7 920 machine, OC to 4.0. Need a good CPU, and was told get one from a good batch. So, ask MBytes what batch the i7 920 is,as I have a batch list of 920's that OC to 4.0? What say you? Thank You for any advice. |
Author: | skiman [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:30 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: CPU Batch Number Question |
For the i920, you want to look for the sSpec Number SLBEJ. This is D0 stepping which pretty much makes it 4.0Ghz capable on air. ... Spec=SLBEJ There are many guides to decode the intel numbers, but look for a specific week of manufacturing. When the i7 965+ or Xeon quota is filled, they at times slip some of these quality cores for lesser frequency processors which are in greater demand due to price. Spending a few dollars more can get you the i930, slighter higher validation and for even a few more above that, you can get the Xeon X5520. If you're going for the monster OC with an air, or even watercooling solution, I'd spend the money for a Xeon. |
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