MysteryByte Computers

Laptop Problems
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Author:  vanhelsing [ Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Laptop Problems

Hey, I reformatted my girlfriends Toshiba A70 laptop the other day because it randomly shuts off and is running extremely slow. Before we thought it was just overheating, but I thought maybe a reformat might help... Now.. she had no cd's.. so I'm left basically with nothing to go by.. I downloaded a driver detection program and it seemed to get all the ethernet stuff to work, even the wireless I think ( cant test It i dont have any). But the video card... It downloads some ATI southbridge stuff... then it reboots.. but the videocard still isn't installed... I looked up whats in it, ATI mobile radeon 9000. I downloaded Radeon 9000 drivers, didnt work. Downloaded ATI Radeon series, didnt work. Then on ATI's website I noticed there NO ati mobile radeon 9000... yet thats what in it... ? Ideally I want the stupid cd that comes with EVERY machine/motherboard, you know chipset drivers, wireless, etc.. I have one with my ASUS board, and 3 previous PC's...

My real question is, where can I find such a cd, or if not, how do I get the video to work, or how would I go about any of that lol. Thanks.

Author:  Terran [ Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

ive noticed alot of new laptop packages dont come with a OS/Driver CD. Stupid not to.

Author:  vanhelsing [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Also I've had friends who get them from Futureshop or Staples and they dont come with cd's... it must be their way of saying.. .we'll fix it, you won't.. lol

Author:  DanDaMan [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Most newer laptops come with a hidden restoration partition/software. Check when it boots to see if you can boot to this hidden partition. I think dell is control F11. This will restore your laptop back to the way you bought it. Also if you contact Toshiba support I am sure that they will send you a restoration set or OEM copy of your operating system for free or at a small charge.

Author:  vanhelsing [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

the laptops been set aside as she got a Sony Vaio for christmas.... But i think she wants to sell the laptop for $100-200 as is... All thats really wrong with it that I know is what I said, driver issues.. it kept shutting off but I'm not sure why that was.. virus or overheating.. :3

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