MysteryByte Computers

Please help me find my bottle neck !!!
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Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Please help me find my bottle neck !!!

So, ill start off by saying my new system is about 2 mounths old. I am happy with it. But, i think i can squezze more out of it. I have a 3dmark 06 score of 13,500 stock. And with some oc on the cpu & gpu i can get a 14,200. My system is as follows:

Intel E6750 - 2.66 Ghz(oc'ed to 3.07 Ghz) 1333Mhz FSb
Asus P5N-E SLI Mother Board
2 GB of Kinston 667 MHZ Memory
(1)Evga 8800 GTS Superclocked 320MB(576Core,850 Mem)
(1) BFG 8800 GTS OC2 320MB(580 Core, 850 Mem) SLIED
Seasonic 650 watt PS ( SLI Ready )
2x 250 gb hard drives ( Western Digital )
LG raid daul layer dvd burner

The rest i guess is not too important. All the games i play run great. Except for Crysis. But even that game runs ok. About mid 30ish fps with all settings on high. Fear ( persus mandate, time shift and cod4 ) all play great. Well into the mid 200 fps. Of course i hit the odd spot were i dip down from well over 150 fps to the low 30 or 40 fps. But that only seems to be once in a blue moon under really high demand with ALOT going on. All games are played with ALL settings on maximum and the res at 1280x1024 ( max my 19" lcd allows at 60 hz ).

Im just kinda looking for some input on my system and wondering what yall think of it ? Do i have a decent gaming machine here ? I know the two video cards are not the exact same vender. But even nvidia's main web site says its not a problem. They are the same specs and on both the cores and the mem. They do work great together. I think ?? :-)
Any input would be great on what you all think ? I do notice a near 45% increase in fps with SLI enabled.

Thank in advance for your input guys !

Author:  haveblue [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

You have a pretty solid system. Maybe clocking your CPU up a little higher, or adding more/faster ram might help. Other than that, not much to do.

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't look at Crysis or 3DMark06 as a performance indicator. Crysis run's like poo even on Triple SLi'd 8800Ultras. The default 3DMark 06 bench is at 1280x1024 with no AA and limited AF. To get much more of an increase you'd have to get your CPU up into the 3.8GHz plus range.

Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was kinda thinkin of the ram. I origanlly thought it was 800mhz mem that i had. But i was wrong. All the programs i looked at it in, including my bios says 667mhz mem. Does anyone feel that could be a problem with the speed of mem. I am still able to oc it to a decent 3.07ghz. After that it locks up due to the mem not being able to take anymore fsb speed. I can get it to 770. Thats a decent oc on my mem. Of course i could unlink my mem and fsb. But i dont know if that is desirable at all ? Im kinda hoping too get my machine to push out a 3dmark 06 score of about 15000 pts ! About another 800 - 1000 pionts .

Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dr_BenD_over wrote:
I wouldn't look at Crysis or 3DMark06 as a performance indicator. Crysis run's like poo even on Triple SLi'd 8800Ultras. The default 3DMark 06 bench is at 1280x1024 with no AA and limited AF. To get much more of an increase you'd have to get your CPU up into the 3.8GHz plus range.

I cant see me ever being able to acheive 3.8 ghz on air at all!! :-) I'm thinkin the limit for me is about 3.3 ghz. Once i get my new frezzer pro 7 heat sink and fan installed. Any thing i can do to squeeze more out of this puppy ? Or do you guys think it is what it is. Other then like you mentioned getting a quad. Which by the way, im broke due to xmas and my super charged SS cobalt just got its oil changed. That was $125 ill never get back. P.s- I now hate cars ( Off topic i know - Sorry :-) )

Author:  magicman [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would not get the freezer...

Get a new HSF, definatly, but given the power of your system, invest a litte more... It deserves it.

Also, there are many great deals available on high performance ram. Do some research, and the D9 series chips are still very much available, and normally pretty cheap.

These rams (such as the Crucial Ballistix as I run) are capable of 3-3-3-4 timings over 800Mhz, or very high frequencies with looser timings. My last set would hit over 1270Mhz with 5-4-4-8 timings (on 680I).

With a better HSF, 3.8 may not be realistic, but 3.6 shouldn't be too hard. Match that with ram that won't restrict your FSB and you'll be off to the races, so to speak.

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think you need a slightly bigger monitor my friend. 24" Widescreen would do your system more justice than the increase of FPS from 450 to 475.

If money is no object just Raid 0 a bunch of SSD hard drives for nice quiet fast loadtimes.

Author:  sswilson [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

what make and model # is your ram?

SPD readings in cpu-z might get you close, but even then there is no guarantee as many RAM manufacuturers sell lower SPD ram as higher ram (generally it's PC2 8000+) which has been tested to run at higher speeds.

You've OC'd your CPU, what are you getting out of your ram?

Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:49 am ]
Post subject: 

sswilson wrote:
what make and model # is your ram?

SPD readings in cpu-z might get you close, but even then there is no guarantee as many RAM manufacuturers sell lower SPD ram as higher ram (generally it's PC2 8000+) which has been tested to run at higher speeds.

You've OC'd your CPU, what are you getting out of your ram?

At 3.07 Ghz my front side bus is at 1532 mhz. And the mem is at 767 Mhz. I think the timing of it is at 5-3-5-9 . If that at all sounds right. That seems to be what nvidia control center is telling me. I just now switched my memory into the proper banks and am now running dual channel. If that will make any diff, not too sure if that will help speed up the mem at all. Any other thoughts ? And the monitor is something i have been thinkin of changing once i get some money.

Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, the memory is Kingston value ram ! :?

Author:  sswilson [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

SLI'ed E-6750 wrote:
Oh yeah, the memory is Kingston value ram ! :?


I think we found the bottleneck........ :)

I've had great luck with the CAS4 Supertalent MB's been selling for quite some time.

870 @ 4-4-4-12 and I've had it up to 1050 orthos stable with CAS5.

Takes a bit of work to get the secondary timings tweaked perfectly, but it's a great value!!!!

No guarantees, but I'd bet that you'll get a higher CPU OC if you throw in some better ram.

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

magicman wrote:
I would not get the freezer...

Indeed, think bigger


Running OCZ Value Ram here...

Author:  sswilson [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

He's running a dual core rather than a quad and they don't require quite as much cooling. A freezer7pro will keep his temps in the mid 50's on full load @ 1.5V so even if it's not ideal, it'll do the trick. (A better air cooler might drop it below 50C).

I suppose it doesn't matter quite as much with the Nvidia chipsets as they allow you to de-link the memory from the FSB, but getting high mem speeds at fairly tight settings (secondary as well) can easily chop off 1/2 sec from 1M super-pi benchies which equates to a 5% + improvement.

I'm not sure how much of that would be seen in gaming, but 5%+ is fairly substantial especially when you consider that it'll scale with any CPU you want to drop onto the board.

Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

With the frezzer installed. In windows, as i type this message. My cpu is at 37 deg. cel. I'll put it under some load and get right back to you. Im expecting it to be around 43-44ish. Which is decent given the overclock as well. And as for the ram, guess that may be my next step instead of a new lcd ? What would you guys get? The ram or a new lcd ?

Author:  SLI'ed E-6750 [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

P.s- My case has devoloped a crazy rattle from inside it. Really loud and annoying. Yet every thing looks fine and tight. Cant seem to find it anywhere. Its killin me !!! ARRGH !!

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