MysteryByte Computers

need new power supply
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Author:  perrson [ Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  need new power supply

Hey, my power supply just died on my 3.5 year old computer. It sparked and then started smoking abit. So i was thinking about getting the 500W coolermaster, something not too expensive just to keep it going for a while until i buy a new desktop. I have two questions, is there a good chance that some of my other components got fried at the same time? Also, I was wondering if there would be any compatibility issues with my system? my system is:

asus A8N-E mother board
1 gig ddr ram
200gb ATA hddrive
256mb ati x800xl vid card PCI-E
amd 3500+ 64 bit processor(2.2ghz)


Author:  Denty [ Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

It is always possible that something else may of fried, but you will not know until you get a new power supply to test your system.

The coolermaster 500w will be more than enough for that machine, and no there shouldn't be any issues with compatibility.

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