MysteryByte Computers

Flamma22's PSU....
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Author:  maverick_brent [ Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Flamma22's PSU....

Flamma.....remember the Enermax 465w i bought from you quite a few years back....well it has run my old AMD system since then..that is...UNTILL TODAY!!!!!..haha, i took the PC from my mom to clean it, replace the HDD...and well..i put it into a diff case...and got everything set up...plugged in the power...and *POP* *POP* POP* SNAP*..*Spark *SPARK..Smoke....its dead...i'm gonna wait a while then might open it up and try and post some pics....farewell old Enermax...

Author:  Topsecret66 [ Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:18 pm ]
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Author:  lobstaMan [ Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flamma22's PSU....

maverick_brent wrote:
Flamma.....remember the Enermax 465w i bought from you quite a few years back....well it has run my old AMD system since then..that is...UNTILL TODAY!!!!!..haha, i took the PC from my mom to clean it, replace the HDD...and well..i put it into a diff case...and got everything set up...plugged in the power...and *POP* *POP* POP* SNAP*..*Spark *SPARK..Smoke....its dead...i'm gonna wait a while then might open it up and try and post some pics....farewell old Enermax...

I had one of them that went thru 3 systems and is still going to this day. By far the best PS I ever had.

Author:  Denty [ Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:27 pm ]
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i have a thermal take pure power 480watt, its been ina good 4 or 5 systems, thing runs like a fuckin champ still

Author:  Flama22 [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:34 am ]
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Ha! Yes, I remember that PSU quite well. It originally came from Ninepound back when I was in 2nd year university and had just upgraded to my Athlon 64 system (I think Dr_Bend_Over was the only person to beat me to that platform but then again Clarke wasn't here and Skiman either wasn't either or quiet as usual ;)). Anyways, while at David's (Ninepound) place I noticed him and his wife were quite fond of cats, and specifically cats that shed an awful lot, so I spent the first hour once I got home with it taking off the housing case and cleaning it thoroughly with Q-Tips. I got a crazy amount of cat hair out of that thing and it was looking pretty good by the time I was done. After that I put it to use for a year or two until the OCZ ModStreams came out and I was lured in by the seductive calling of "Modular Power Supplies" at which point I posted it up here in the Buy and Sell forums. :)

It lived a long and happy life. Let us all have a moment of silence for our fallen mechanical brother. :cry:

Author:  wildbohr [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:52 am ]
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Good times...

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:33 am ]
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I didn't go A64 till May '05 I think.

Author:  Flama22 [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:06 am ]
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Dr_BenD_over wrote:
I didn't go A64 till May '05 I think.

I thought you and I were the only ones rocking the Clawhammers on here at the time? Maybe it was someone else who had that early 3200+?

Author:  Denty [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:39 pm ]
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probably hughes, he took his pay in parts often enough

Author:  maverick_brent [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:57 pm ]
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No worries Flamma, the PSU will live on, i saved the 80mm Fans and Grills, as well as the 24' sleeve that went around the ATX cable. These will find a home in my own or someones computer...:D

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:59 pm ]
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Do they even make 80mm fans anymore :wink:

Author:  Monkeydee [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:04 pm ]
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Flama22 wrote:
Dr_BenD_over wrote:
I didn't go A64 till May '05 I think.

I thought you and I were the only ones rocking the Clawhammers on here at the time? Maybe it was someone else who had that early 3200+?

i had an early 2800+ at christmas '04.

Author:  maverick_brent [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:29 pm ]
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Dr_BenD_over wrote:
Do they even make 80mm fans anymore :wink:

Hey, a PSU that i paid $40 i think, lasted atleast 3 years in my system, and i dunno how many in others...2 80mm fans and a cable sleeve is a pretty good

Author:  Denty [ Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:47 pm ]
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apparently doc is way to cool for 80mm fans

Author:  Flama22 [ Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:20 am ]
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Monkeydee wrote:
i had an early 2800+ at christmas '04.

Ya you got your 2800+ shortly after I got mine in the late summer/fall of '04 but there was someone that beat both of us and had a 3200+... Magicman maybe?

And I think my current PSU (Antec 480W Earthwatt) has an 80mm fan in it. :oops:

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