hmm verry good points u raise here flama. u should work for a computer shop. hahaha
im pondering it over and over. everyone i know into gameing says i should do this upgrade for future upgrades type deal. aaaand i pritty much got my old mobo, proc and ram all sold. sooo im kinda at the point of no return. i just got approved for a loan to take with me to Barret jackson this summer. so maybe ill dip into that and get 2 8800 gt

yeah good enough reason eh. no point in having ram to look at.
on another note. u guys are gonna love the case mod im gonna try this weekend. as some of you know im heavy into fish keeping (2000 gallons + in my living room alone)
and im gonna attempt to make a computer case out of a lexan fish tank all the computer parts will be in a clear lexan box int eh middle of the tank with marine blue lights all thru it. odviously im just gonan stick an old p3 machine i have here kicking aorund in it for now. gonna be a pritty cool desighn. prolly gonna go with a 40-60 gallon aquarium. and of course the fihs of choice is gonna be my marjunatus pirnaha