MysteryByte Computers

Is your AM3 board AM3+ compatible?
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Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Is your AM3 board AM3+ compatible?

I took a chance with my breath and didn't take any Clorets:

I don't have an official page for ASRock or Gigabyte (but I've read they do sorta), but with the big 2 (imo) on the bandwagon, it's a pretty good indication that your shiny AM3 mobo won't be completely useless in 6 months.

It doesn't get much more shiny and fantastic than this.

AMD doesn't "officially support" anything of this nature. I don't know why AMD would want to keep this a secret, unless they exist to spew FUD (or anti-FUD?) any chance they can.

I bought my motherboard with the knowledge that it may ro may not have AM3+ support, but the page has been updated since then, and it's on "the list" so I may yet be "happy" in the summer.

AM3+.JPG [ 60.08 KiB | Viewed 8422 times ]

Author:  Hali_Newf [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is your AM3 board AM3+ compatible?


Author:  Phonix [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is your AM3 board AM3+ compatible?

Yes but does it have an AM3+ socket with the extra pin?

From what I read they just mean the "Chipsets" are capable of supporting AM3+ but not the sockets themselves due to this "extra pin".

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is your AM3 board AM3+ compatible?

There's an extra pin on the socket, there isn't necessarily an extra pin on the processor. That's the sticky point now raging on certain online pissing contests, er forums.

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