MysteryByte Computers

AMD 780G/SB700 or ATI™ CrossFire™ Xpress 3200/ATI™SB600
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Author:  deandulong [ Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  AMD 780G/SB700 or ATI™ CrossFire™ Xpress 3200/ATI™SB600

Which choice a Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H with AMD 780G/SB700 HD3200 Hybridcrossfire combined with a HD3870 card or a Asus M2R32-MVP with ATI™ CrossFire™ Xpress 3200/ATI™ SB600 and two HD3870's running crossfire. The rest of the board will be amd64x2 3.0 and 4gigs of 800mhz. and has anyone had the new 780g chipset running with a card in hybridcrossfire?

Author:  Topsecret66 [ Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

-sigh- you poor thing...

Go intel. Tom's hardware will even tell ya that. And even perhaps steve-o on here and he's amd hardcore.

Also if your going ati get a 4870 they outperform 3870's....

Just do that instead iof wasting your money and xfiring the 3's...

So I guess I would say neither choice 8)

Author:  deandulong [ Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Topsecret66 wrote:
-sigh- you poor thing...

Go intel. Tom's hardware will even tell ya that. And even perhaps steve-o on here and he's amd hardcore.

Also if your going ati get a 4870 they outperform 3870's....

Just do that instead iof wasting your money and xfiring the 3's...

So I guess I would say neither choice 8)

First i didnt ask about the cpu or the 4800's i asked about the mother boards and keep in mind people do have a limit money wise when buying stuff. i wish people would just reply to the question with out all the other crap.

Author:  Dr_BenD_over [ Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd get a new mobo, and not even worry about CF.

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:14 am ]
Post subject: 

As long as yer not gonna play games on it, 780G is fine. some 780G's have issues using high end Phenom's but it looks like yer not going super high end anyways.

I woulda bought a 780G but I realised I wasn't really on a budget so I got a real motherboard instead.

If you're on a budget get a 4850, you get a lot of bang for your buck and can still go crossfire with it later on (when more bugs are fixed), probably for 50$ cheaper as well.

Author:  Monkeydee [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

the M2R32-MVP is a pretty damn good board. even though it's a little older now it will still run Phenoms with a simple bios update should you choose to throw a Phenom on it at any time. the M2R32-MVP is also a decent overclocking board.
if you plan on running raid though you may want to go with the gigabyte board though as i've heard of a lot o people having problems with raid on the SB600.

Author:  Topsecret66 [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah. I'm not giving ya attitude son. I'm just saying your not building anything thats a workhorse and a gaming machine. And sorry I didn't take into account that you didn't have the budget for a better upgrade.

But all in all. . I agree with steve-o. He has much more experience when it comes to AMD and ATI. So I vote 4850 8)

Author:  CMDR Steve-O [ Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:11 am ]
Post subject: 

As long as you have some cooling in your box, as the 4850 is a single slot solution and the heat will stay insaide the computer. The 4870 is dual slot and therefore does dump the heat (and lots of it!) out the back. I've had no problems even with the heat, and the fan always stays quiet, except for POST and when windows starts up.

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